Having had Jin Shin Jitsu treatments with Richard weekly for several years now, I can confidently say that they have improved my physical and spiritual well-being greatly. My expectations were modest when I first started treatments, but very quickly I experienced relief from pain in knees, feet and back. Occasional headaches were abated, and GI function was improved. Most valuable of all, I experienced relaxation and a great sense of worth and well-being.
Whether you are looking to continue with JSJ or just want to give it a try, Richard will give you the best of this ancient Japanese treatment. Working from experience along with artful sensitivity, knowledge and years of study with world reknown teachers, Richard has a kind and compassionate personality which allows one to relax and be at ease. In general I am a skeptic. With JSJ, no longer, but that is another story. Suffice it to say that after recognizing the benfits of JSJ, I was fortunate enough to have received many JSJ treatments from Richard. His skill, intuition and empathy show themselves immediately, giving way to a trust that encourages one to return. I urge you to arrange a session with Richard and see for yourself.
I am still amazed that with the condition of my back on Monday (stiffer than a board - I could not bend down to open the lower drawer of the fridge) - after the session with Richard and another practitioner - by Friday, I could dance! I never could have imagined that. Thank you!